Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Clubhouse tree removal

Over the last several days I had a tree company in to remove the large Mahogany trees lining Burning Tree Drive.  The reason for removal is because the large Mahogany seedpods would fall and crack windshields or worse, dent cars.  Additionally the trees were very messy,  dropping tremendous amount of leaves into convertible's interior and car windshield wiper hood gaps. 

New Oak trees will be installed to replace the removed trees. 

I also had the very large Royal Palm behind the Clubhouse that was adjacent to the putting green removed. The palm was so large that I couldn't trim it any more which left it to drop things all over the green, and it didn't fit into the new landscape plan for the back of the Clubhouse. 

The plan is to accentuate the enormous Black Olive tree. All the shrubs and electrical stuff under the tree will be removed, new up lighting will be installed under the Black Olive to light it at night, and beautiful seasonal flowers will be installed to make the tree a signature spot.  It's all in various stages of chaos, but I needed to get the trees removed now before the major palm tree trimming season starts at the end of the month and the vast majority of tree trimmers are busy. 

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