Thursday, August 14, 2014

Project update

This week's early effort has paid off. Monday through Wednesday was a test of perserverence in the oppressive heat and humidity. Here are some project updates..

Kenny and his guys stripped the south side of Solana Rd by hand. The area was too tight to use machines other than a sod cutter. 

Then they installed new irrigation for the pending sod. 

Then more fill dirt was added and the whole strip was re-graded by hand. 

The sprinklers will be all set today and the new celebration sod will be delivered on Tuesday morning. 

Meanwhile, Trevor had his own project going at the same time. Trevor's been working on adding some timber curbing to 18 tees. Here's some if his work. 

Last project that was completed this week was a cart path maintenance project along the outside edge of hole 17's cart path. The erosion control grass that was planted during the renovation had finally died out and needed to be replaced. My crew of guys laid a semi truck load of Bahia sod along the cart path to keep the path from washing out. 

A little closer to the end of rainy season my staff will begin adding new cart path material to many of the worn cart paths. There isn't enough in the budget to do all the cart paths but I wanted to let everyone know selective cart path improvments are on the "to do" list for the summer. 

General updates...

I spoke to the vendor supplying the new range tee mats and they are supposed to be here on the 25th or 26th to do the install. Additionally, the golf course builder is supposed to be in the middle of next week to enlarge some tees on the course. The tees scheduled to be enlared are 3 & 4 silver, 4 white, 5 blue and maybe 17 blue if I can squeeze it in. 

Never a dull moment......

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