Monday, July 30, 2012

Solona Road Landscape Project Update

There's an old joke that starts out, "How many people does it take to..." and although I'm not sure its appropriate here, sometimes I think it is.  In the picture below are all of the parties who are involved in landscaping the eastern median island on Solona Road sitting together in my shop; two from the County, one from the City and the contractor who is going to do the work (there's actually a guy from the County absent).  Almost 3.5 yrs ago the initiative was started to get the median landscaped!  Now, hopefully we will get the final permit this week to make this dream a reality. 

John Wolski, a resident within the Big Cypress community and the HOA President, has to be given a lot of credit for tirelessly working on, what in any other circumstance, would of been a simple project.  In fact, the project became such a albatross that the County dubbed it the "Project to No Where" due to the immense intermingled nature of the County and City having to work together to get the project done.  Now I'm told by County staffers, the project is being used as an example on how to get things done.

Regardless of all the inter-governmental hoop-la,  for us the project is almost here.  The contractor told me today that once he has all of the permits and the City does it's part, the whole project will take approximately one week.  That means there's still a chance to get this thing done this summer.

Keep your fingers crossed!!!

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