Monday, June 27, 2016

Green's update

It's been a couple weeks since the perimeters of the putting surfaces were redone and I'm happy to say the new grass is coming in nicely. 

It's been raining like crazy here so that's been helping a lot with the grass growth. 

The course is in great shape considering what I did to it last month. It's amazing how fast the Celebration recovers. 

Tee expansion project work continues on 6 & 12. This morning we are removing all the rocks and steps on 12 to prepare for hauling in more dirt to widen the tee. 

The tee will be widened to the West all the way to the edge of the cart path and cut to be all the same level. This will give tremendous variability for spreading divot wear. 

5 green / 6 tee.... fill dirt is being hauled in for the raised cart path by 5 green. 

We are doing two things by raising the cart path by 5 green. First, the intention is to make it harder for a rolling ball to go left across the path and into the landscaping. Secondly, we are sculpting the ground to channel surface water to the existing drain basin so we do not have to modify it as well. There are a lot of things to consider for even a small project like this one. 

Also be sure to check out the clubhouse renovation blog as well. The clubhouse is looking good and moving along nicely. The goal is to try and have the roof sheeted and dried in by the end of week. That would be a huge milestone. 

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I saw #12 yesterday for the first time and now I can see what everyone is talking about. Are there further plans to improve the look of this tee or was it the plan to remove the plantings, rocks, etc., and that's it? It's now so ordinary and it was so beautiful! Sharon Rees
