The path improvements on 10 & 18 are 99% completed. A little final grading is all that's left.
Started with this
And now we have this
The trees are ordered for 14/18 area and should be here this week for install. While we have the mini excavator Trevor pre-dug the holes.
The new grass grow-in on the chipping green is complete and it is ready for practice. I just have to let the two grass edges around the perimeter grow together. We intentionally kept them separate to make sure we didn't get any Celebration on the putting surface.
Now that most of the cart path stuff is done, Trevor will be starting on the teeing ground enhancements. Look for the dust bowl to know where.
This week's closure marks the end of our summer invasive maintenance practices. I'm happy to say we were able to accomplish all of the summer's agronomical plans. Once the course heals up we should poised for a great winter golfing season. Lastly, the damage to the putting surfaces is healing very nicely. Trevor rented a large roller and was able to fix a lot of it by smoothing it out and pressing the pulled up sections back in place. While the grass heals we will keep up a little higher nutrition program on those areas to make sure they are not far behind the rest of the course.
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