Tuesday, August 18, 2015

3rd course closure and going like mad...

This week is our 3rd course closure of the summer. We have been working hard the past couple of days and the fruits of our early summer labors are paying dividends this go around. 

We are heavily verti-cutting the fairways again and it is going much faster this time. The increased pace is attributed to the tremendous job the staff did vertical-cutting everything the last go around. It is going to only take us 2 days to verti-cut everything this time, as opposed to 4 the last. 

Works continues on the cart path project on 10 / 18 area. All of the curbing timbers have been installed and cart path material is being hauled in and spread. 
The triangle area around the pole will be a new flower bed

It's going to take a couple of days to haul  all of the material in and spread it. Once the material is in place the crew will take a sand rake machine and smooth the surface. 

Unfortunately not all of this posting is good news. A few of the putting surfaces have some mechanical damage from an aerifiying machine that had a broken linkage part. It's not catosteophic or anything Trevor and the rest of my staff can't handle, but it's a deviation from the normally perfect aerification process the Club is used to. The greens will need a little bit more time than usual to heal and the maintenance staff will do things like additional fertilizations and plugging to speed recovery. 

Next week Trevor will begin to do the tee improvements for the summer. After consulting with the golf course architect, the greens committee and the golf committee the following areas will be enlarged....#1 blue and white tees, #12 & #13 silver, and if there's enough money left over #2 blue.  The focus of the enlargement process is high use areas, which is prodominantly the combo tees. Remember, when the course was redesigned by Grodi Lewis there was no combo tee games on the score card. Now, with a lot of play on very small tees 
we are having wear issues. The goal is to at least double, if not triple, the size of the tees being worked on.  

After the tee enlargement projects are competed, this year's landscape improvements will begin. The new trees on 14/18 will installed and other landscaping shrubs will be installed where they have died. It might actually be Fall on the calendar, but it's still Summer in Southwest Florida... and we're still going like gangbusters. 

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