The green, well really the "putting surface" has been planted. Green really doesn't describe it very well right now as you can see in the picture. The putting surface was planted one week ago and got mowed the first time today. Although you can't see it, there's a lot of green on the green. The recipe now is lots of water, lots of sunshine and a little bit of food....before you know it, you have a putting surface. I still need to do a lot of work around the perimeter of the green within the celebration to make the tie-in's seamless. Due to time constraints and not wanting to push the planting date back another week, I went ahead and planted the putting surface prior to finishing the surround tie-in's. The reason being is that every week I can save on the front end, I save two weeks of on the back end. Simply put, the sooner the planting date, the sooner the opening date. Besides, the tie-in's can be done anytime before the green is opened. I should take a couple of days to do the tie-in's and they will be done long before the putting surface is opened.

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