Next week the flowers along the front of the Clubhouse are going to be removed. This is needed so that my staff can get into the bed and re-pipe the irrigation system that waters the flowers. Over the years many design changes have taken place and additional irrigation heads kept being added without the proper piping to supply water, think of it as add-on's added to add-on's. All of our current flowers are scheduled to be replaced during the first week of May anyway, so now is a great time to do the repairs.
Some of you might of noticed that we have started aerifying some of the thin or worn areas in fairways and teeing grounds with solid tines. This solid tine aerification is more of a venting, it doesn't create the huge mess traditional aerification does. After the area is aerified, a heavy dose of organic fertilizer is applied to the affected areas to promote recover and water holding. The process will take us about two weeks to be able to get around to all of the areas.
Early next week the maintenance staff should finish up edging all of the cart paths. This process is long and tedious work, but it makes the paths look so much better. Additionally, the staff is going around and trimming back the landscape grasses that are starting to hang over onto the paths. Our goal is to maintain the paths so no landscaping hits the carts as they drive the paths.
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