This week the focus has been in prepping all needed materials and supplies for next week's assault on the golf course. The first aerification of the year signals the start of what I call the annual "100 day war!" For the next 100 days everything we do will be for next winter's golfing season. All the verti-cutting, aerifications, sandings, and whatever else is to ensure we make it through until the summer of 2012 with as good a golf course as we had in 2011.
So I thought I would use this posting to show you some of my weapons of choice. These are very specialized pieces of equipment designed to do specific jobs. One of my favorite machines is the verti-cutter! You hear me saying all the time we verti-cut this or we verti-cut that, and only see the results and not what is used to do it. "Verti-cutter" is a trade name taken from the process of vertical mowing. As seen below in the pictures, the blade that is normally horizontal (first picture) has been turn vertical (second picture), hence the "verti" part and we all get where the "cutter" part comes in. The verti-cutter picture below is of a green's verti-cutter. Notice the small blades and narrow spacing. This verti-cutter is set to cut 1/8" deep into the turf. This way it digs a little, but not too aggressively. Since we verti-cut all the time we can go less aggressive than say the fairways.
In this picture I took a normal reel mower and stood it on end and shot the picture looking down the length of the cutting unit to show you how it cuts. A reel mower uses a helixed reel with multiple blades using a fixed knife on bottom to produce a scissor action type cutting. Very precise cut! The helix in the real is critical to producing a constant scissor action while the reel travels over the ground.
This picture is of a green's vertical mower. It is made for ripping out material, not precision.
The blades of the green's vertical mower have a carbide tip that is super hard and stays sharp. If anyone is wondering of the power of these units, see the picture below. This picture is of the concrete floor in my shop where someone turned on the verti-cutter while it was sitting on the floor. Its a good visual on what it does to the surface of the green and attests to the power of the unit. Yes, those are grooves in the concrete caused by the carbide tipped vertical mower blades used on the greens!
In the fairways we use the big brother to the green's vertical mower. This machine uses extremely large vertical blades that are set 1/2" to 1" deep. The reason for such an aggressive approach is that we only have one or two chances all year to do this procedure.
The main reasons for verti-cutting, regardless of where, are to eliminate thatch and control grain. Thatch is the dead plant material building up on top of the soil and grain is the tendency of the plant to lay over in a particular direction. Hopefully everyone has seen the short video I did on verti-cutting the greens a few posts back. You can look at the green and see a "swirl" type pattern or large color differences to identify the grain. In the fairway the swirl can become very accentuated and tight. The picture below is of the grain in one of our fairways. Grain is a natural phenomenon in every grass and is a little more pronounced in the Celebration because of its aggressive growth habit. Remember, we haven't verti-cut these fairways since August of last year.
In this picture I pulled up on some of the swirled grass just to show you how much it was laying over, about 3-5 inches. The only way to eliminate this is to physically remove it. We will do this by verti-cutting first, which rips out the thatch and stands up the grass that is laying over, then we will scalp off any remaining material by circle cutting the fairways. The result will be a plant that is more upright in growth habit.
Here is picture of the process
Here is short video of the process in the fairways so you can get a sense of how intensive the whole ordeal is. Just remember, after verti-cutting we have to clean up the whole mess too.
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