Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer projects

Lots to do this summer with some aggressive projects planned. 

Here the staff is ripping out what's left of the 50 years worth of asphalt by 5 tees. This area of asphalt was not removed in the renovation of 2009 to save money and has always not blended in the way it should. It will have a new aggregate cart path installed and shaped to perfectly fit the area. 

Once the material is loaded it is then brought to 6 white tee area to be used as a base filler for the tee expansion project. The tee is being expended northward to the Mooring's Park fence line, but in order to do that the littoral needs to be filled in. To save money, the littoral is being 80% filled with the old as asphalt and then capped with clean dirt. This process allows us to environmentally get rid of the asphalt by burying above the water table. 

Once there's enough material piled up, Trevor pushes the material into the depression with the blade on the mini excavator. 

Along with the tee project on 6, the maintenance staff is moving the cart path on 5 green away from the bottom of the green's slope. This is being done to help any shots that might go left of the green from rolling across the cart path into the landscaping, having a chance to stop on the grass for a decent recovery shot. 

In the next picture instead of the cart path veering off to the right and riding the bottom edge of the green's slope, it will be to the left along the edge of the tree line and turn at the back of #6 blue tee. 

This is a very poor picture of the newly reclaimed putting surface areas, but believe it or not there's lots of greenery popping up. The program of using the old Aerification plugs seems to be working well. Trevor and Kenny are nurturing the baby plants along with kid gloves.  

Here Trevor is removing some palm trees in anticipation of BIG, LONG trucks making their way out to the comfort station on 6 for it's reconstruction process. I am removing the trees so that the heavy trucks do not have to make a 27 point turn on the paver brick cart parking area in front of the golf trailer which will destroy it. The trees will be saved and put into a nursery area for holding. Once the comfort station reconstruction is completed the trees will be replanted in the same place.

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