Monday, August 10, 2015

Fumigating for bugs

Today the course is being custome fumigated with a pesticide product called Curfew. The product is injected 12 inches deep as a high pressure liquid (similar to propane gas) that vaporizes quickly and then permiates upward through the soil.  The main targeted species of pest controlled are nematodes, which are microscopic worms that feed on the root system of the grass. Secondarily, the product also kills everything else in the soil except ants. 

You can see that the machines are very good at not tearing up the grass. However, in a few days you will notice the injection lines where the grass was cut by the insertion discs and where the gas escaped. The product itself is burning to the leaves, but the damage will go away quickly. This is another reason why this process is done so close to aerification week. Once the cut lines show up, we are open a few days and then we close for aerification and vertical mowing. All of the week long aerification practices will help eliminate the long lines in the grass from the Curfew. 

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