Thursday, June 11, 2015

Every day is Sunday at the Chipping Green

Yesterday morning the crew planted the new grass, called Sunday, on the chipping green. Just in case you were thinking there is some sort of hi-tech way of planting grass springs, check out the next few pictures.

It's not very glorious, but it works. After the grass sprigs are spread by hand, my staff took shovels and home made sprig choppers and pushed the grass down into the soil a little bit, sort of creased the grass into the soil. It's the sprig to soil contact that stimulated the grass to set roots and become established. Once the sprigs were cut in we used a sand rake machine with its big floatation tires to roll over the green to seal the soil shut over the springs. If we were planting a lot of area on greens we would use a small disc cutter attachment on the back of a tractor to cut the sprigs in. Due to the very small size of the project, good ol fashioned hand planting will do. 

Now it's time for lots of irrigation and sunshine. Making will start in about 3 weeks. 

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