Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Range tee seeded with rye grass

It's that time of year again where the maintenance staff seeds the range tee with rye grass. The reason the tee is seeded is the rye grass germinates in 7-10 days and quickly grows to cover the divots. My staff sands and seeds the previous day's divots every morning, Monday through Friday. Daily divot filling, along with the hitting station rotation Tony and I have come up with, and now with the new mat hitting stations should allow the tee to have as greatest a chance as possible to continually be a lush turf hitting surface. 

The tee was seeded on Monday. I have asked Tony to keep golfers on the mats for 2 weeks to allow the seed to germinate and establish itself before we start beating it up. I know everyone doesn't mind using the mats, but really wants to hit off of the grass. Thank you for your patience. 

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