Friday, September 26, 2014

Cart path rehab

Part of this week's closure is focused on addressing the cart paths. Aside from trying to fix areas that get pot holes and edging, not much has been done to the cart paths since 2009. In response to member input, the Board gave me some funds to address as much of the issue as I can. After some trial and error, my team has found an effective way of dressing up the cart paths and making them look almost new again. 

We started by edging the cart paths. This is a massively labor intensive process for my staff. This week there has been 6 guys, 8 hours a day, everyday edging and cleaning up the spoils. The edging process is so labor intensive because there is no definitive edge of the cart path. Having nothing to stop it, the grass grows right into the cart path material. Once edged, the grass has to be separated, raked into piles, and then scooped into a trailer and hauled to the shop. 

Next we have to go through the cart paths where there are a lot of roots and trim them out. 

After the cart path is free of debris new cart path material is loaded into the sand trailer that has a conveyor belt. Once loaded, my team then distributes the material over the old cart paths. 

Once the new cart material is in place, my team spreads the material by hand to ensure good coverage and finishes off the job with a bunker rake to ensure the paths are smooth. 

It's not the fastest process and we'll still be going well into next week.  The "new"  cart paths look A LOT better. 

I'm not sure how far we are going to get, but I know we won't be able to do all of the cart paths and stay within the approved capital budget.  What cart path are not completely resurfaced will get all of the low areas filled at least. 


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