Friday, December 7, 2012

Almost there

Although we are not quite out of the woods yet with the golf course following the ordeal with the preventive herbicide, today I was as giddy as a kid with a pocket full of money standing at the doors of the mall. Today I saw something on the course I haven't seen in a while...grass clippings. Yep that's right, little piles of grass all over the place left after the mowers cut the grass today. They say it's the little little things in life that get you by, and I was so excited to see these normally pain in the rear things this morning I had to stop and do a double take.

Needless to say this is a great sign that the course is improving and headed back towards our expectation level. I have some test plots of granular fertilizer out on the course to spot check the root development of the grass and as soon as I see the dramatic effect on turf growth from the granular fertilizer I will push the turf growth even harder. Since the preventive herbicide damaged the roots of the grass, there's no sense in applying a course wide application of granular fertilizer until I'm certain the grass roots have recovered sufficiently enough to be able to capture and utilize the food. It's close to $10,000 to fertilize the golf course so I want to be absolutely certain I am not wasting any material...or money.

Normally I'd end the post by saying something like "enjoy the extra roll" but right now I'm really hoping you hardly get any roll because that means there's lots of turf growth happening. For now, that's a good thing!

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