If this time of year could be equated to a football game it would be the fourth quarter, two minutes to go, and we are in a no huddle offense. Things are really starting to move quickly here at the club while we get ready to wrap up our summer season agronomics, as well as begin landscaping the clubhouse grounds. The next 3 to 4 weeks are going to be insane with all varying stages of chaos trying to get everything done before season gets here.
The cart path curbing project on 12 is complete. I had the guys curb the entire tee from the white's to the red's. Looks great! I also added some new pond cypress trees to match the existing cypress head where I could between 11 fairway and the new tee on 12. The area of grass between the cart paths has irrigation and drainage pipes below it so the space for trees was limited.
Trevor is beginning to install curbing on 13 green. The ground is so rocky we always try to do most digging with a machine when possible.
The back nine new green's perimeters are growing in nicely. To help some of areas fill quicker in I am having the team plug out some of the larger spots. The front 9 perimeters are completely grown in and look great. It's amazing what 30 days difference will make when growing in turf.
Because our summer agronomics are so aggressive we create a ripe opportunity for weeds to invade the golf course. Instead of spraying lots of chemicals to control weeds, a lot of times it is much more effective to just get some guys and a good 'ol fashioned knife and cut them out. Over the last week Trevor had a couple guys in rouging the turf for weeds and the results have been a tremendous improvement.
I was finally able to get this little machine in to trim the ficus hedge behind the Club's sign on the corner of Solana and Burning Tree Dr. The ficus was starting stretch way out and almost touch the sign. The hedge is going to be a little thin and you'll be able to see my shop area for a bit until the ficus thickens up to conceal my area. I tried to get this machine in back in July when the other hedges were trimmed but it had broken part of its robotic arm. Took a while to repair.
I had all of the utilities located along Burning Tree Dr so my team could start installing the new Oak trees. Install should start later today.
Essentially the new course restrooms are complete. There's a few items left but the building is there and they look great. It's time for me to landscape them as well. Over the next two weeks my goal is to wrap up all of my golf course projects. Site work for the new clubhouse is going to start soon and I'm going to need to be able to shift staff to it as there is a LOT of work to be done to get the landscaping back up and running. What was ripped out had to be replaced and what was trampled by construction trucks needs to be identified and repaired. Then we have to add all the new plants to make the Old Florida look shine.
Lots going on and lots to do......