So far it has rained daily or every other day for weeks. Fortunately this week we are not punching holes or I'd be in big trouble. This week we are concentrating on working the bunkers and getting them ready for season, working the cart paths and adding some new material to them, trimming palm trees, and if time allows (which I doubt since we got run off yesterday with a 1/2 inch of rain in 20 minutes type flood) we will start on the pine straw.
It is amazing how much effort quality bunkers take. All the edging, raking, moving sand here and moving sand there. Outside of the greens, bunkers are probably the second largest labor consumer on the golf course.
Here's the process we are doing this week; edge, move sand, add sand if needed, then compact.
It's a long process that takes a lot of guys.
The cart paths are being edged first, which takes a very long time as well. Because there is no defined edge to the paths and the grass grows into the crushed concrete screenings used for the paths, it is difficult to separate the grass from the cart path material. All of the trimmings has to be raked by hand and then loaded into a trailer and hailed back to my shop. Once the paths are edged, the paths will be lightly roto-tilled to make the paths easier to work. Lastly, additional material will be added as a topcoat to finish off the paths. I don't have pictures of this process yet. The rain has us a little behind.
As usual for this time of year, the palms are being trimmed. It makes a nice presentation for the pending golf season. The trimmed material will be collected and shredded into mulch for the property edges of the course, like along the Moorings Park fence line. On the interior of the course I will have pine straw laid around the tree and landscape beds.
It's not the greatest picture. The weather has been very cloudy and overcast.
More to come.