On a brighter note, the range tee project is progressing very well. The pavers are almost done. They ran a little short on pavers so they are bringing some more out today to finish. You can see in the picture that now you will have a paver brick pad to pull your cart onto and be able to get off the area where all the carts drive.
To give the paver space some delineation between cart parking and the intended walkway, I had the pavers laid differently in the two spaces.
The subway tile layout on the left is the 3.5 foot walkway that extends the length of the new hitting mat area. This was done so golfers can traverse the hitting pad area to an open station without having to walk in front of the pads, or around carts. The herringbone design on the right is the cart parking area. It is long enough to get the carts onto and out of the driveway, but far enough away from the mats to allow a person the swing a club. As you can see in the picture below, my cart fits just fine and my cart is longer than a golf cart. Tony and I will need everyone's help in spreading the word to park the carts in the right space so the hitting mats and walkway do not get crowded out.
The company that manufacturers the hitting mats will be here sometime this week to install the new hitting mats which are already here.
Last week we were also able to finish enlarging and grassing the 4 new tees. This will be a welcome improvement for these tees that get a tremendous amount of play for their size. The new improvements will help in turf sustainability and playability. The final step in this closure's game plan is to install cart path curbing along 9 tees. My team was going to do it today but with all the cleanup we are having to do from the storms it just wasn't possible.