Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Golfers in the mist. #14 at The Country Club of Naples this morning. I think those neon yellow balls are on sale in the golf shop. 

These are the type of days that make a Superintendent cringe because the cool temperatures and the 100% humidity mean disease pressure / potential is at its maximum. Fortunately, the maintenance department keeps the greens on a preventative program to decrease the putting surfaces' potential to have a disease outbreak. The Celebration is constantly bombarded with small outbreaks of disease but normally just out grows any damage. It is a rare occasion that a fungicide is applied to the Celebration. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Cold weather

Despite the recent cold weather, the golf course is still holding up nicely. Part of the reason why the Celebration was chosen as the new grass was because if it's winter hardiness. We have had two frosts in the last 14 days and are still mowing grass. That's pretty amazing!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Recent fertilitizer applications

Some of the members have commented to me about the odor on the course and asked what it is coming from.  I am spot treating areas on the course with a very, very high organic content fertilizer. The purpose of the treatment is to promote soil health via the nutrient and water retention properties of the high organic fertilizer. As you know and have seen, there are several areas on the course (#3 75 yards out, #4 at the beginning of the fairway, #5 down the ridge caps of the fairway, #7 fairway ridge caps, #13 beginning of the fairway, #14 left rough) that have struggled due to poor soil characteristics. These areas are either very rocky, very sandy or high in nematodes, all of which are helped drastically by applications of high organic fertilizer. 

I know the odor is an issue and it is a short term issue buffered by long term benefits that I think we can all see happening on the course. Rest assured that I am cognizant of the issue and have no plans of continuing the application of the material after we finish this round. It was intended that the material be applied to the course during the Christmas lull but the vendor had issues with delivery if the product.

It is true that some of the neighbors have mentioned it to me in the past but I have educated them as to what I am doing followed up by "but the course looks great though, right?" To which they all say yes and seem to be appreciative of the increase in home values the Club has given them free of charge.

Regardless, I apologize for any odor inconvenience on the course. I am fully aware that a good "experience"  is not only sight and sound, but smell. It should be noted that this is a practice that I have been doing since the renovation and is not something new.