Friday, November 28, 2014

Cool weather....course holding up

The course is holding up well despite the last two day's low temps in the high 40's. However, we will see some delayed response to the weather by the wkend. The reason for the delayed response is from the soil's heat buffering capacity.  Once the soil temperatures dip below 55 degrees, all plant growth shuts down. Fortunately, the cooler weather is short lived and the forecast for the next week is back to the normal low 80's during the day. 

All of this means the green are going to increase in speed as the metabolic response to the cold slows the grass growth on the putting surfaces.  When the putting greens turn slightly purple-ish in color, you'll know they're fast. They turn off color due to the stop in production of the green chlorophyll in the leaf. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Guest Speaker

Today I have the preveledge of being a guest speaker at a Carolinas Chapter Club Managers Association event in South Carolina. I'm speaking on a panel about two topics today. The first is "New Trends in Agronomy and How They Impact Golf Course Renovations & Operations" and the second is "New Innovations in Golf Course Maintenance and Their Impact on the Club's Bottom Line."